Meet Felicia
Wife. Minister. Veteran. Entrepreneur. Coach.
Small Group Facilitator.
Motivational Speaker.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Accessibility Practitioner.
I am an empathetic and passionate leader that truly believes that ALL things are possible with God. I am a living witness of what His power at work in someone's life can do, and I desire to teach women how to lean on, trust in, and rely upon God to manifest His power at work in their lives.
I believe in Women's Empowerment!


Minister Felicia provides leadership that's built with integrity and driven by innovation! Her insight and understanding of the technology sector sets her and this ministry apart in many ways. She has strategically woven together her love for ministry and her passion for media and technology.
Dr. Kenneth K. Law
Senior Leader, The Embassy Church
CEO, Life & Leadership

Felicia Alston Ministries, formerly known as Revivify Ministries, has been a beacon of hope in the Christian Business Owners (CBO) movement. Minister Felicia’s compassionate approach and support has helped me find strength in my faith.
Bernice Loman
CEO Loman Creative Services

I have known Minister Felicia Alston for over 15 years, and she has inspired me in my faith in countless areas of my life. As a Minister of the Gospel, she loves the Lord and takes great honor in serving Him as she does with purity and excellence.
Bonita Quinn
Co-Pastor Manna-Fest Destiny